Vocal Jazz Improvisation

46,50 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213110353
Verlag: Musikal Spezial / Edition Ferrimontana
Verlagsnummer: EF2006
Intermediate & Advanced Studies This is a book of intermediate and advanced exercises and etudes which I have written for the serious jazz vocalist who wants to take his or her improvisation skills to a higher level. Based in Bebop and traditional jazz sonorities, this book explores common ii-V-I based chord progressions, classic song forms, and favorite jazz standards, in vocalist friendly keys for both men and women. Important topics such as jazz theory, jazz scales, chord nomenclature, scat syllables and basic jazz piano are explored. In addition, the book includes downloadable recordings of all the exercises and etudes, offering the chance to sing along with me (voice and sax) and Rosana Eckert (voice).
Schlagworte: Improvisation Jazz
Verlag: Musikal Spezial / Edition Ferrimontana
EAN: 9783944925028
Seitenzahl: 145
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2016
Untertitel: An Instrumental Approach

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