Trust your ears

32,50 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213275740
Verlag: Rittor Music
Verlagsnummer: HL320447
Jeff Ocheltree transitioned from replaceable roadie to invaluable drum tech by being the first person to take complete care of all aspects of the drums, in the glory days of such legends as Bonham andCobham. In his first instructional DVD, he discusses his experiences and teaches techniques valuable to drum techs and all drummers with hands-on examples using nine different kits and nine drummers. Jeff also discussesthe unique bronze drums he makes from recycled cymbals. As a special bonus, John Bonham's kit used in Zeppelin recordings appears on screen for the first time ever, and Bonzo's settings, tunings and mic placements are revealed! 60minutes.
Schlagworte: Instructional-Drum-DVD Unterrichtsmaterial
Verlag: Rittor Music
EAN: 9780634086465
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2004
Untertitel: The drum tech explorations of Jeff Ocheltree DVD

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