The complete Clarinet Player vol.3

Produktnummer: 213340371
Verlag: Music Sales Limited
Verlagsnummer: AM62639
The Coffee Song Spanish Eyes Burlington Bertie from Bow Eight Days a Week A hard Day's Night One of those Songs And I love her You are my Sunshine Time on my Hands Matchmaker Yesterday The Londonderry Air The Skater's Waltz Food glorious Food Ob-la-di, ob-la-da A-hunting we will go Oom pah pah Raining in my Heart The british Grenadiers Moonlight Sonata On top of old Smokey Can't get used to losing you Hey there Diamonds are a Girl's best friend Blue Eyes crying in the Rain Goodnight Sweetheart Happy Days are here again Au clair de la lune When the Saints go marching in Money, Money, Money The Ballad of Davy Crockett If I had you Skye Boat Song Greensleeves The Oak and the Ash David of the white Rock Drink to me only thine Eyes Cockles and Mussels What shall we do with a drunken Sailor? Spanish Ladies Ye Banks and Braes Over the Hills and far away Who is Sylvia? Fairest Isle Clarinet Concerto (Excerpt from third movement) The Gypsy Baron (Excerpt from Overture)

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