The Spirituals of Burleigh (+CD):

64,70 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213134458
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: 27266
Burleigh, Harry T., arr. Ain't goin' to study War no mo' Balm in Gilead Behold that Star By an' by Couldn't hear nobody pray De blin' Man stood on de Road an' cried De Gospel Train Deep River Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel Don't be weary traveler Don't you weep when I'm gone Ev'ry time I feel the Spirit Give me Jesus Go down in the lonesome Valley Go down Moses Go tell it on de Mountains Hard Trials Hear de Lambs a-cryin' Heaven Heaven He's just de same today I don't feel no-ways tired I got a home in a-dat Rock I know de Lord's laid his Hands on me I stood on de Ribber of Jerdon I've been in de Storm so long I want to be ready John's gone down on de Island Joshua fit de Battle Let us cheer the weary Traveler Little David play on your Harp My Lord what a mornin' My Way's cloudy Nobody knows Oh didn't it rain Oh wasn't dat a wide Ribber Oh Peter go ring dem Bells O Rocks don't fall on me Ride on King Jesus Sinner please doan let dis Harves' Pass Sometimes I feel like a motherless Child Stan' still Jordan Steal away Swing low 'tis me o Lord Wade in de Water Weepin' Mary Were you there You may bury me in de Eas'
Schlagworte: Sacred Spiritual
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
EAN: 9780739045282
Untertitel: for low voice and piano

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