The Official Vintage Guitar Magazine Price Guide 2020

58,50 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213862660
Verlag: Vintage Guitar Books
Verlagsnummer: HL323837
Hembree, Gil, co-author Knowledge and information are vital in the dynamic world of collectible guitars and gear, and no source provides it better than The Official Vintage Guitar Price Guide. With listings for more than 2,000 brands along with 1,200 photos and 215,000 copies sold, this book is the industry's hands-down leading source of pricing information on guitars, basses, amps, effects, lap steels, steels, and ukuleles all in one book!
Verlag: Vintage Guitar Books
EAN: 9781884883422
Seitenzahl: 600
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2019

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