Rock Drum Fills

33,80 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213860792
Verlag: Rittor Music
Verlagsnummer: HL321006
Rittor Music In this DVD, drummer Mansaku Kimura demonstrates over 230 fills for rock, funk, blues and Latin styles of drumming. Each of these fills is demonstrated within the context of a song in order for you to hear and better understand how it fits into the groove. You'll learn fills for: straight eighth beats, bounce eighth beats, straight sixteenth beats, bounce sixteenth beats, triplets, bossa nova, samba, three-beat bounce, five-beat rock, and seven-beat rock. Additionally, Mansaku uses two live performances by his band, PRISM, to demonstrate many of these fills in a real musical setting. A variety of camera angles enables you to see precisely how each fill is performed, and a.pdf of a music booklet notating each song with the fills highlighted is on the disc. 57 min.
Schlagworte: DVD Unterrichtsmaterial
Verlag: Rittor Music
EAN: 9781423495871
Seitenzahl: 57
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2010
Untertitel: for drum set DVD

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