Rinks und Lechts - DIe Logik der Koordination (+DVD)

26,00 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213104415
Verlag: Codamusic
Verlagsnummer: CM60126
Die Logik der Koordination Coordinating Movements Logically Methods for developing and applying patterns and rhythms using logical movement concepts. The basics of coordination and independence for all styles. A unitary concept using clear movement patterns logically coordinated, thus making it possible to play and vary the most diverse patterns and rhythms easily using a single concept. Using these movement patterns as the basis, this method shows how to create effective ideas for rhythmic accompaniment and possibilities for varying patterns in all styles.
Schlagworte: Schlagzeugschule Schule
Verlag: Codamusic
EAN: 9783940161253
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2015
Untertitel: für Schlagzeug (dt/en)

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