PP004A Tenacity

17,60 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213174420
Verlag: Wonderful Winds
Verlagsnummer: PP004A
Tenacity for Flute and Piano is a musical representation of the perseverance, persistence, and determination needed to reach a goal, complete a task, etc. Tenacity features driving rhythms, unsettled harmonies and a lively dialogue between the flute and the piano that propel the music to its conclusion. The piece is a great workout for articulation and also gives an opportunity to work on register skips to develop flexibility and evenness of tone.
Verlag: Wonderful Winds
EAN: 9790570745838
Seitenzahl: 16
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2021
Untertitel: for flute and piano

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