Méthode de piano Hal Leonard vol.2 - Lecons
Verlag: De Haske Publications BV
Verlagsnummer: 0579-00-401DHE
Kern, Fred, co-auteur Keveren, Phillip, co-auteur Rejino, Mona, co-auteur Hal Leonard Klavierschule Book 2 opens with a new My Own Song improvisation on CDEFG. Unit 1 introduces phrasing and legato touch, and also presents harmonic 2nds and 3rds with staccato touch. The following two units are dedicated to the introduction of4ths and 5ths. Also in Unit 3, sharps are introduced in a diatonic setting starting on D, and flats are introduced as blues notes. Most pieces in the second half of Book 2 coordinate hands playing together. This book works verywell for transfer students.
Schlagworte: | Klavierschule Méthode de Piano Hal Leonard |
Verlag: | De Haske Publications BV |
EAN: | 9789043110938 |
Seitenzahl: | 48 |
Untertitel: | pour piano (frz) |
Kategorie: |
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