Méthode de piano Hal Leonard vol.1 - Lecons

23,00 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213040785
Verlag: De Haske Publications BV
Verlagsnummer: 0577-00-401DHE
Kern, Fred, co-auteur Keveren, Phillip, co-auteur Rejino, Mona, co-auteur Hal Leonard Klavierschule From the very first lessons in Book 1, students are making music as they explore the piano keyboard through fun improvisation pieces called My Own Song. The beginning of the book introduces finger numbers, the black-key andwhite-key groups, and basic rhythm patterns. Directional reading is taught first by finger number, then by note name, and then by interval (stop, skip, and repeat). Once the students are introduced to the staff, they learn readingguides Bass F and Treble G and read by interval in several different hand positions.
Schlagworte: Klavierschule Méthode de Piano Hal Leonard
Verlag: De Haske Publications BV
EAN: 9789043110914
Seitenzahl: 48
Untertitel: pour piano (frz)

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