HL00320788 Clark Terry

33,80 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213186311
Verlag: Artists House
Verlagsnummer: HL00320788
art of being an artist is being a teacher. Directly or indirectly, through their work or their words, artists teach. In this series of DVDs, some of the most important jazz artists are presented in a unique master class setting. They perform, they talk about their lives and work, students play for them and the comment and instruct those students. Students discuss their expectations before the class and their thoughts after the class. Viewers will observe learning taking place, and come to understand how great artists think, perform, and teach. We hope this series will inspire others to videotape and document artists as teachers and teachers as artists. This two-disc set wasrecorded and filmed on November 14, 2004 at the Center for Jewish History, New York City. Songs performed include: Perdido · I Don't Wanna Be Kissed · Bye, Bye Blackbird · Mumbles. 4 hours, 32 minutes.
Schlagworte: DVD Unterrichtsmaterial
Verlag: Artists House
EAN: 9781423446156
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2008
Untertitel: for trumpet 2 DVDs

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