Concerto a quadro del Sign: Hendell

26,00 CHF*

Produktnummer: 2131520638
Verlag: Edition HH
Verlagsnummer: HH369.FSP
This previously-unpublished Concerto a Quadro presumably started life as a concerto for the standard Baroque forces of flute, strings and continuo, now otherwise unknown it is preserved in its surviving form for flute, violin, viola and cello in a set of manuscript parts apparently copied by an amateur musician in Sweden. Although unlikely to be the work of Handel, as a rare early example of music for flute quartet it is an attractive extension to a repertoire otherwise dominated by the works of Mozart and his contemporaries. In the present publication, editorial figuring in the cello part allows for the possibility of expanding the texture with additional continuo instruments.
Verlag: Edition HH
EAN: 9990900863649
Untertitel: two violins, viola, violoncello score and parts

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