The Machine Awakes

153,50 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213862462
Verlag: Steven Bryant Music
Verlagsnummer: HL4003980
The Machine Awakes is the sound of something not human (but of humans hands) - something not entirely organic, but most definitely alive - waking up for the first time. From the opening swirling textures, we sense the first hesitant sparks of thought, attempting to find form and coherence. This new machine comes fully awake, possessed of emphatic self-determination and purpose. The Machine Awakes¦gives ensembles with a wide range of technical ability the opportunity to experience the meshed sound world of electronic sounds and acoustic instruments. The set comes with optional parts for more advanced players.
Schlagworte: Steve Bryant
Verlag: Steven Bryant Music
EAN: 0888680023973
Seitenzahl: 48
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2014
Untertitel: for band and electronic accompaniment score and parts

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