23,70 CHF*

Produktnummer: 2131004412
Verlag: Wonderful Winds
Verlagsnummer: PXTR005
Three very contrasting Christmas Carols here for early grade Flutes and Clarinets. The first of the two traditional Czech tunes is the energetic Zither Carol, followed by the more gentle and sentimental Rocking Carol. The third carol is the more robust ""Pat-a-pan"" by Bernard de La Monneye, first published in 1720. All four parts get a chance for a tune in this festive set, and the pieces are interesting to listen to and satisfying to play (wthout being too difficult!)
Verlag: Wonderful Winds
EAN: 9990900960065
Seitenzahl: 8
Untertitel: Flute and Clarinet Quartet: 2 Fls, 2 Bb Cls

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