Soul Guitar Bible

Produktnummer: 213171712
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00690506
33 great Soul Songs Born under a bad Sign Cold Sweat Pt.1 Green Onions Groovin' Hold on I'm comin' I heard it through the Grapevine I'll coming back to You I'll play the Blues for You I've been loving You too long In the Midnight Hour It's gonna work out fine Knock on Wood Land of a thousand Dances Let's get it on My Girl Pain in my Heart Papa's got a brand new Bag Pick up the Pieces Respect Respect yourself Send me some Lovin' Theme from Shaft Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay 634-5789 Soul Finger Soul Limbo Soul Man Time is tight Tired of being alone Walkin' the Dog Wrap it up You don't know like I know Your Love keeps lifting me higher and higher
Verlag: Hal Leonard
EAN: 9780634033209
Untertitel: songbook vocal/guitar/tab recorded guitar versions

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