Introducing Theory of Music (Theory)

7,70 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213130306
Verlag: Trinity College London
Verlagsnummer: TCL024107
This book has been designed to help the beginner student to read and write commonly used musical symbols, providing a firm grounding in notation from which to progress onto Trinitys Theory of Music Workbook Grade 1. There is ample opportunity to practise each element throughout this workbook, with symbols often explored in more than one way to build deeper understanding and to consolidate the learning. Did you know?, Handy tip and Remember boxes give advice along the way, encouraging the development of good musical handwriting habits. After completing the exercises in this book, students are sure to feel confident when they begin studying for their first Theory of Music exam.
Verlag: Trinity College London
EAN: 9781800514737
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2021

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