Esercizi giornalieri per lo sviluppo e il mantenimento di una buona te

26,80 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213075617
Verlag: Edizioni Musicali e Discografiche Not.A.Mi.
Verlagsnummer: END0001
FRANCESCO DI ROSA OBOE ESERCIZI GIORNALIERI PER LO SVILUPPO E IL MANTENIMENTO DI UNA BUONA TECNICA With this book of daily exercise is not so much my intention to propose something new or special, but share with the other oboists the exercises that from the beginning of my career have proved very useful and still are my traveling companions. Point of reference for this work were the methods of great oboists of the past as Gillet, Prestini or a great teacher and British flutist Trevor Wye. I developed, revised and, in the case of the Wye exercises for flute, oboe adapted these exercises with an emphasis on expressive dynamics and related air for proper use. To make effective the method, I have developed a program of weekly study guide for the oboist in his 'training.' Finally, a chapter is devoted to basic warm-¡-up exercises, a 'warm up' essential to deal with the right foot the study or the big concerts. Francesco Di Rosa
Schlagworte: Etüden Studien
Verlag: Edizioni Musicali e Discografiche Not.A.Mi.
EAN: 8054729510090
Untertitel: per oboe

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