Charles Gounod Ed: David Heyes

16,60 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213479677
Verlag: Recital Music
Verlagsnummer: RM00773
My Beloved Spake was composed in 1871/72 when Gounod was living in London. The text is taken from 'The Song of Solomon' and the style is lyrical and dramatic, with a passionate cello line and strongly supportive piano accompaniment partnering the operatic-style solo soprano. Although out of print for many years, this is a beautiful scena which has great appeal for performers and audiences alike. The song is also known as 'Une Bouche Aimee', in a version for soprano, double bass and piano by Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889), published by Recital Music. Bottesini transposed it into a lower key and with new words by an unknown poet. Charles Gounod (1818-1893) was one of the leading French composers of the 19th-century, producing a wealth of vocal and choral music. His opera 'Faust' is still in the repertoire today but he is probably best known for 'Ave Maria' which adds a solo vocal line to Bach's C major Prelude, and has been arranged for almost every conceivable instrument, including double bass.
Verlag: Recital Music
EAN: 9790570457731
Untertitel: My Beloved Spake Voice, Cello & Piano

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