A Star is born (film 2019)

36,50 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213081239
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: 47776
Music from the original Motion Picture Soundtrack Lady Gaga, performer Bradley Cooper, performer Black Eyes La Vie en Rose Maybe It's Time Alibi Shallow Music to My Eyes Diggin' My Grave Always Remember Us This Way Look What I Found Heal Me I Don't Know What Love Is Is That Alright? Why Did You Do That Hair Body Face Too Far Gone I'll Never Love Again Alfred Music presents a piano/vocal/guitar songbook featuring the soundtrack to 2018's box-office hit, starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. Original, full-color photography and movie artwork within this beautifully packaged portfolio help provide a glimpse into the music and visual aesthetic of a Hollywood classic's third remake.
Schlagworte: Movie Pop
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
EAN: 9781470641535
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2018
Untertitel: songbook piano/vocal/guitar

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