18th Century english Organ Music vol.1

26,90 CHF*

Produktnummer: 213425271
Verlag: Oxford University Press
Verlagsnummer: OUP38919
Patrick, David, ed A graded Anthology Voluntary in D, 12 Voluntaries no.8 (William Goodwin) Voluntary in C major, 12 Voluntaries and Fugues no.2 (George Frederick Händel) Voluntary in G minor op.8 no.16 (George Berg) Voluntary in Eb major, 6 Voluntarys no.1 (George Green) Voluntary in C major, 9 Voluntaries Set 1 no.1 (Thomas Sanders Dupius) Voluntary in G major, 12 Voluntarys Book 2 no.1 (Starling Goodwin) Voluntary in A minor op.1 no.5 (Henry Heron) Voluntary in D op.4 no.2 (Jonas Blewitt) Voluntary in C major, 18 Voluntaries no.1 (John Marsh) Voluntary in G major, 12 Voluntarys Book 2 no.6 (Starling Goodwin) Voluntary in G minor op.2 no.8 (Jonas Blewitt) Voluntary in C major op.6 no.1 (Francis Linley) Voluntary in Eb major op.3 no.4 (John Garth) Voluntary in D major, 12 Voluntaries and Fugues no.10 (George Frederick Händel) Concert Piece in B minor, 6 Concert Pieces, no.4 (Charles Burney) Voluntary in C major, 10 Voluntaries no.6 (William Boyce) Voluntary in Eb major op.9 no.4 (Jacob Kirkman)
Verlag: Oxford University Press
EAN: 9780193389199
Seitenzahl: 64
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.01.2013
Untertitel: for organ

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